Dental Tips
Dental Veneers
Typically used in cosmetic dentistry, veneers are a thin shield of porcelain used to cover the front surface of the teeth. They are designed as a permanent way to change or enhance the look of stained, chipped, broken, or undesired teeth. Dental veneers are considered stronger and more esthetically pleasing than tooth bonding, a similar procedure that uses a different type of material and method of placement. They produce customized, more permanent whitening results, as opposed to other tooth whitening options. Veneers may be considered expensive. Veneers may cost between $500 to $2,000 per tooth and are not typically covered under your dental insurance plan, unless the dentist can deem the procedure is not being performed as a cosmetic enhancement. Your dentist may recommend the use of night guard to protect your natural teeth from the porcelain, as it has been known to damage the tooth’s enamel.
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