Dental Nutrition, News
Stress and Your Oral Health
You may know that STRESS can cause headaches and upset stomachs along with a list of other medical conditions BUT did you know that it can also play havoc in your mouth?
Stress can cause tooth decay. Grinding and Clenching your teeth is a symptom that can be related to increased stress; not only causes headaches but also responsible for chipping and flattening your teeth.
Let’s talk about the soft stuff in your mouth;
Stress can affect your immune system and cause damage to your gums. Increased mouth sores such as cankers or cold sores are more prevalent during emotional stress. Stress can increase your tongue pressing against your teeth; over time this can leave indentations on the side of your tongue.
Talk with your Dentist;
If you wake up with headaches or have jaw pain, you might be clenching or grinding your teeth at night. Your dentist will examine your mouth for signs of grinding, such as irregular wear on the surface of the teeth, and make suggestions to limit any damage to your mouth. They may recommend wearing a custom-fit night guard to reduce the pressure on your teeth and protect them from wear. Your dental team will check all the “soft” areas in your mouth, including your tongue and gums, and suggest treatment recommendations where needed.
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